Wichita Immigration Attorneys

ENGLISH: 316-263-7857
SPANISH: 316-640-3419

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Wichita Raid

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Stay There has been arrest activity over the past 10 days. Originally it was claimed that the focus was placed upon certain restaurants in Olatha and the Kansas City Kansas area, and cities in Missouri. These establishments were being “raided” looking for restaurant owners and managers who were hiring undocumented workers. These “raids” were being performed under the direction of the federal government in an attempt to arrest and bring charges against the restaurant owners/managers under the “R.I.C.O.” act. However, the officers also took undocumented workers into custody. We have heard that individuals having legal immigration status, already in removal/deportation proceedings, those seeking asylum or victim visas were released. It is too soon to know what effect this will have on individuals working without permission. As always please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your immigration status. We are here to help. For more information see the following article updated August 26, 2021: https://www.kansas.com/news/local/crime/article253758203.html

English: 316-263-7857
Spanish: 316-640-3419


Holubec & Loy LLC

820 N. Main St., Suite 106
Wichita, KS 67203


English: 316-263-7857
Spanish: 316-640-3419

Fax: 316-263-3523
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